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Chip and Sweet Kickin Salsa Part 3: A Second Chance

Hi SKS Fanatics, I am back with another blog post regarding my relationship with Sweet Kickin Salsa. If you would like a more in-depth background on this saga, click here for part one and here for part two but I will give you a quick rundown of what has been going on the last couple months. I haven’t exactly had the best relationships with other salsas in the past and honestly believe that SKS is the one for me. I finally got up the crumbs to ask her out last month. We were having a great time at this pool party until my ex, Pico de Gallo, showed up and ruined everything just as things were starting to get spicy.

Things have been pretty stale around these parts without my chunky love, so I decided to ask her out again. She agreed and apologized for running off at the pool party. I was shocked that she gave me a second chance. I wanted to make sure this second date was perfect so I asked her to go to the Buckner Festival.

Date Number Two: The Buckner Festival

The Buckner Festival is where love blossoms. That is why I chose it to spend a romantic evening without any distractions. A night for just me and SKS, no Pico, no queso, just us and our pure flavors coming together under the warm glow of chili pepper string lights.

I put on my best salt (again) and waited for her to arrive at the Sweet Kickin Salsa booth. The anticipation of Sweet Kickin Salsa’s arrival almost broke me; I kept looking over my corner to make sure that Pico wasn’t hiding in the shadows waiting to ruin my chances with Sweet Kickin again.

My Second Chance

She eventually arrives with three different outfits: Mild, Medium, and Spicy Habanero. She looked scrumptious in every single one. We make small talk about the weather, which grocery stores have the best shelving, and where we hope to travel someday-she says Jose Peppers and I say On the Border.

The air is heavy with passion, and I wonder if she can feel it too. There is suddenly a lull in the conversation, and her lid unscrews. I can’t believe my eyes. I feel my pepper pounding at an alarming rate. Is this the moment I finally get to experience her flavor and we come together as one in the mouth of a passerby?

I can’t stop staring at Sweet Kickin pouring herself into small plastic cups. She is the epitome of what every salsa should be chunky, sweet, spicy, and red-bright red. I anxiously wait in the bowl for my chance to dip into her.

The Clumsy Passerby

I see out of the corner of my eye that there is a hand reaching into the bowl. Fingers wrap around my edges. I am overwhelmed with feeling. This is it! I finally will dip into Sweet Kickin Salsa! I get closer and closer to her cup. I see her tomatoes glistening and her spices sparkling. I am inches away from her when I hear a noise from afar. The passerby who grabbed me from the bowl carelessly drops me on the table and walks towards the noise. I lie there, cold and vulnerable.

I can’t blame the passerby for his or her mistake. They are probably unaware of my need to dip into SKS and my desire to love her. I am not sure how to move forward from here. I stayed in that spot for a long time and realize that there is only one thing I could do. Hope that another passerby doesn’t care about germs, picks me up, and dips me deep into Sweet Kickin Salsa.

More later,


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