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3 Healthy Lunches That Don’t Take Hours to Prepare

Life is getting busy; the kids are back in school and responsibilities are piling up. There less and less time to think about healthy eating,  but it doesn’t have to be hard. Here are some of our favorite healthy ideas for work and school lunches that are sure to step up your lunch game featuring Sweet Kickin Salsa of course!

Healthy Ideas for Your Lunch (That Won’t Take All Day Sunday to Prep)

We know that Sunday meal prep is popular, but it shouldn’t take all day. Around these parts, we think Sundays are meant for relaxing and recharging before the week begins.

Burrito Bowlsburrito-bowl-2

Burrito bowls are probably on every meal prep list there is. That is because they are super easy to make and hit all of the marks when it comes to nutrition. Burrito bowls can also be customized to fit the tastes of picky eaters. Take a look at how easy burrito bowls are to prepare.

Protein: Pop boneless skinless chicken breasts and half a jar of salsa into your slow cooker. Set the temperature to low and cook for 6-8 hours-run your Sunday errands, play a game with the family and binge watch your favorite show while the chicken is cooking. After the chicken is done, remove it from the slow cooker and chop it up or shred it with a fork.

Grain: Cook brown rice or quinoa according to the directions on the package. This normally takes about 20-30 minutes. If you really want to, you can use white rice, but the nutritional value is not on par with brown rice or quinoa.

Veggies: Fry up some bell peppers and onions with some fajita seasoning.

Put the ingredients into containers and add avocado, sour cream, more salsa, cheese and any other toppings that tickle your fancy.


This may not seem like a lunch-friendly meal, but trust us, you can have tacos every day of the week without having to spend a ton at restaurants every week.

Protein: Cook any type of meat or legumes you prefer in a skillet with diced onion, garlic, and a little fajita seasoning.

Veggies: Once your protein is almost done cooking add in bell peppers or whatever other veggies you like. If you aren’t into the idea of veggies on your taco, take them in a separate container on the side.

Grain: Corn or whole wheat tortillas are going to be the healthiest choice when it comes to tacos. Wrap your tortillas in aluminum foil and build your tacos once lunch rolls to keep tortillas from getting soggy.

Put your cold taco toppings (salsa, sour cream, lettuce) into smaller containers or plastic baggies. You will not want to heat these up with your protein and veggies.

Black Bean Salsa Soupblack-bean-soup

This is probably the most cost-effective option on our list and is perfect for the upcoming fall season. This recipe also takes virtually no time to make, we said easy, and we are giving you easy!

First get 2 cans of black beans, 1 cup of chunky salsa-if you like some heat we suggest using our Spicy Habanero Salsa-1.5 cups of vegetable broth, 1 tsp. of cumin, healthy quinoa tortilla chips.

Put all of the ingredients in a food processor or blender and combine until smooth. Pour your soup into individual bowls and take it to work on chilly days. Take quinoa tortilla chips to crumble into your soup and a salad for a balanced meal!

Try some of these healthy lunch solutions and avoid the Sunday meal prep marathon.

Need salsa? Head over to our online store and stock up!

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